












Colchester Area 'LYCiG' Conference

The Colchester Area Team will be running a 'Leading Your Church into Growth' Conference from Friday 16th May to Sunday 18th May in Great Notley. It would be good for Parishes to send a team of 5 to 8 people to this major conference which includes input from the National LYCiG team. Click here to find out more - and if you feel that this could be the right time for your Parish to be involved, why not contact our Area Mission & Ministry Adviser at pritchie@chelmsford.anglican.org to chat it through.


'He Chose the Nails'

That's the title of a new Lenten course which will be delivered on Zoom on 8 Thursday evenings from Thursday 27th February starting at 6:30pm for about an hour. It's been written and will be led by our own Martin Roscoe (LLM at Greenstead with St. Anne) and Steve Norris, who together run the Diocesan Local Evangelist Course. There are more details on the attached flyer, and contact  martin@andyanneandmatt.org.uk for details on how to join in on Zoom.


Dr Joan Taylor launches her new book 'Boy Jesus' in Wivenhoe

On Saturday 8th March at 5pm, Dr Joan Taylor will be launching her new book at an event in St. Mary's Wivenhoe. Dr Joan is Professor Emerita of Christian Origins and Second Temple Judaism at King's College London, and is a renowned authority on Bible exposition. The book 'Boy Jesus' is subtitled 'Growing Up Judaean in Turbulent Times'. The launch is free to attend; the book will be available to buy, and a poster about the event can be downloaded from here.


Hope in a Time of Climate Crisis

Revd Sandra Eldridge, our Diocesan Environmental Officer, will be leading a Lent Reflection Retreat entitled 'Hope in a Time of Climate Crisis' from 10:30am to 3pm on Saturday 29th March at St. Andrew's, Marks Tey. Sandra works across the Diocese addressing the practical, justice and theological issues relating to the environment, and working towards meeting the Diocese's commitment to reach Net Carbon Zero by 2030. It's sure to be an inspiring day - find out more from seldridge@chelmsford.anglican.org.


Ever tried a 'reverse Lent'?

That's one idea in this moth's Newsletter from the Mustard Seed Team, our Diocesan team working with children, young people and families. There are lots more good ideas to read about this month, as well as job opportunities, events and courses for leaders and young people. Click here to view the Newsletter.


Revd Anthony Bushell to retire

Revd Tony, Priest-in-Charge of the Parish of Stanway, has announced that he is to retire, with his final service at St. Albright's to take place on Sunday 10th August. Having been ordained in 1996, he first served in Felsted before becoming Curate in Stanway then after eight years in the Parish of Greenstead with St. Anne's he returned to Stanway in 2014. He and his wife Morag (a Licensed Lay Minister in the Parish) will be greatly missed; we pray that these coming months will be a great blessing to them as they plan their future.


It's easier to get grants from the Colchester Churches Charitable Trust

The trust have just relaxed their application criteria - grants are now possible for up to 50% of the total cost of capital works to our buildings, to a maximum of £10,000 for each Church building or PCC asset (e.g. Church Hall). That should help quite a few Parishes - so if you're planning a capital project or have Quinquennial work to do, surf along to colchtrust.org.uk


Children and Families Worker needed in Greenstead

We've two job opportunities for you this month - and the first is a Children and Families Worker, based in the Parish of Greenstead - which just has to be an exciting prospect. There's a poster to display in Church here, and click here for more details and to download an application pack. The closing date for applications is Friday 28th February, with interviews to be held on 7th March. Let's pray for the right person to see this and respond!


Korban are seeking an Administration Co-ordinator

Colchester Korban Project are looking for a part-time Administration Co-ordinator, organised and self-motivated, who is comfortable and confident communicating with a variety of stakeholders, including residents. Does that sound like you? There are full details here, with how to apply and who to speak to for an informal discussion about the role prior to applying. But if it's not you, why not point someone else to the opportunity?


Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme extended - by a bit, for a while!

The DCMS Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme, by which the VAT paid on capital works (& fees) on Listed Church buildings may claimed back, was expected to end on 31st March, due to government cutbacks. However, it has been extended for one further year, in a reduced total amount - so if you're planning to have work done on a Listed building, you have an extra year to get those invoices in! And if you wrote to your MP to ask for the extension, congratulations!


Archbishop Stephen's Epiphany Letter

The Archbishop of York - our previous Diocesan Bishop and now acting as our Archbishop of course - has recently written to all Clergy & Lay ministers at this key time for the Church of England - and is content that it has a wider readership, so we have made it available for download from here. May we be blessed by his love for us and his words as we head into 2025.


Christ Church receive the Deanery's first Gold Eco Church Award

Our congratulations to Christ Church, the first Church in Colchester to be awarded Gold Eco Church status by conservation charity A Rocha UK. The environment has always been very high on Christ Church's priorities, as one of their (and our) marks of mission, and we're delighted to see their strong focus and hard work rewarded. There's an excellent Press Release here, which will be an encouragement to us all.


Latest Newsletter from the Mustard Seed Team

The Diocese's Mustard Seed Team of Children's, Families & Youth Advisers - including our own Matt Williamson, pictured left - have just issued their December Newsletter, with lots of events and opportunities for leaders as well as for Church and community members. View it by clicking here.


Mission Opportunity Fund grants

The Colchester Area Mission & Pastoral Committee has approved the Deanery's application for funding towards children's, young people and families work in the coming year. A number of Parishes have applied for grants, and each will receive at least £1,500. Congratulatory emails have been sent out to the Parishes and the money will be in PCC bank accounts in early January.... Happy Christmas, and start planning!


SHAPE - an excellent nurture course

Our Area Mission & Ministry Adviser, Phil Ritchie, is looking again at the SHAPE course - that stands for Spiritual gifts; Heart's desire; Abilities; Personality; Experience. If you'd like to consider this as your next nurture course,, all materials can be downloaded for free here; and why not email Phil - he'll be delighted to hear from you.


Key dates for 2025 agreed

We've just published the first draft of the Deanery's 2025 Calendar here on our website, including dates for Deanery Synod, which are on Wednesdays 12th March, 18th June and 15th October 2025; Chapter and Committee dates are on there too.  Venues, speakers and topics will be announced later, and we'll also be able to fill in the dates of Diocesan meetings. There's also a link to the Essex School Term dates for 2025/6.


Church building support - new grants for Churches

Are you planning to take advantage of the two new grants available from The Church of England for Church repairs and improvements?  We know it takes a while to make plans, but do try to get your applications in whilst the money's available! All the information is right here on the CofE website.


Friendship Line - A listening ear in Lexden

St. Leonard's, Lexden have recently set up a Friendship Line, and it's not just for their Parishioners. Anyone who feels they need someone with whom they can have a friendly chat, or would like someone to listen to their concerns, will feel more positive after a time of sharing. The Parish will be happy for you to put up this poster on your noticeboard. More information from the Parish Office on 01206 575565 or Revd Maggie Whiteman at maggiew234@gmail.com.


Calais Light - bringing help to refugees here and in Calais

Do you have a heart to help refugees? When they have arrived here, or whilst they are still struggling in Calais? 'Calais Light' is an Essex-based charity currently looking to expand its services in the Colchester and Clacton areas, promoting social inclusion and acceptance for refugees here and on the continent. See more on their website at https://www.calaislight.com/ and read this paper recently circulated to our Synod members.


Churchwardens - help is at hand

Are you a Churchwarden, or would you like to be more supportive of your Churchwardens? The Diocesan website has a wealth of information on Churchwardens' duties and responsibilities, training and support material (including YouTube videos) to guide us in this important role. It includes pointers for building works, actions in a Vacancy, being a Trustee, and much more. Surf to www.chelmsford.anglican.org/churchwardens and be encouraged!


PCC Wellbeing Toolkit

The wellbeing of Church leaders and members has been high on the list of the Church of England's priorities since Covid, and a PCC Wellbeing Toolkit was introduced to our Clergy and Lay leaders in a recent seminar. PCCs may find helpful to review it together, and involve the Church membership. It is offered to you to use as you see fit; download it from here.  May it bless you!


Lexden Bereavement Support Group

This Group, a resource available to all Parishes, is run by three Lay members of St. Leonard's, Lexden, all of whom are retired registered nurses with experience and extra training in loss and bereavement. A new course of six fortnightly sessions begins soon for those of any faith or none missing a loved one who died recently or longer ago. For details or to book a place phone Margaret on 01206 547803 or email bereavement@stleonardslexden.org.uk.


To add news items to this page, email us at mail@colchesterdeanery.org.uk





The Church of England Deanery of Colchester is part of the Colchester Episcopal Area of the Diocese of Chelmsford.

The Chelmsford Diocesan Board of Finance is a registered Charity, no. 249505

We are committed to Safeguarding children and young people and vulnerable adults. As a Diocese, we have adopted the Church of England’s policies and best practice on safeguarding which may be found on the Church of England’s website: https://www.churchofengland.org/more/safeguarding. Diocesan guidance is available at https://www.chelmsford.anglican.org/safeguarding