











Officers of the Deanery of Colchester, with contact information:


Area Dean: 

Revd Canon Erwin Lammens

The Rectory, 44 Belle Vue Road, Wivenhoe, Colchester CO7 9LD

Tel:01206 822511

email the Area Dean


Assistant Area Dean:

Revd Hannah Cooper

6 Baronia Croft, Highwoods, Colchester  CO4 9EE

Tel: 01206 598234

Email the Assistant Area Dean


Lay Chair:

Lynne Gettings

62 Northfield Gardens, Highwoods, Colchester CO49SS

Tel:01206 841694

Email the Lay Chair



Martin Roscoe

67 Hawthorn Avenue Colchester CO4 3XB

Tel:07771 994149

Email the Secratary



Adrian Jones

18 Redmill, Colchester CO3 4RT

Tel: 07918 081107

Email the Treasurer


Chapter Clerk

Revd Belinda Kerins

St. Stephen's Church, Canterbury Road, Colchester CO2 7RY

Tel: 07538 938276

Email the Chapter Clerk


Vocations Lead

Revd Ian Hilton

Email the Vocations Lead


Vocations Adviser

(Young Vocations)

Revd Hannah Cooper

6 Baronia Croft, Highwoods, Colchester  CO4 9EE

Tel: 01206 598234

Email the Vocations Adviser


Vocations Adviser

(Pioneer ministries)


Revd Sarah Hayward

2 Jenner Chase, Colchester CO4 6BJ

Tel: 07828 046193

Email the Pioneer Vocations Adviser

Self-Supporting Ministry (SSM) Adviser

Revd Philip Howlett

Tel: 07305 595871

Email the SSM Adviser

LARC (Local Adviser for Readers in Chelmsford)

Phyllis Wood

126 The Willows, Colchester  CO2 8PZ

Tel: 01206 562343

Email the LARC


Area Youth adviser

Dot Salmon

Email the Youth Adviser


Well-being Champion

Revd Anna Davis

Email the Well-being Champion

Environment Advocate

Kate Clifton

Email the Environment Advocate


Deanery Finance Officer

Revd John Chandler

4 Longdryve, Wavell Avenue, Colchester CO2 7HH

Tel: 01206 366930

Email the Finance Officer


Deanery Standing & Pastoral Committee



Revd Canon Erwin Lammens, Area Dean

Lynne Gettings, Lay Chair

Martin Roscoe, Secretary

Adrian Jones, Treasurer



Melanie Bateman

Revd John Chandler

Revd Hannah Cooper, Assistant Area Dean

Revd Sue Howlett

Lucy Mason

Revd Heather Wilcox


Chapter Standing Committee



Revd Canon Erwin Lammens, Area Dean

Revd Hannah Cooper, Assistant Area Dean

Revd Sue Howlett

Revd Heather Wilcox

Revd Emma Smith

Chaplains Please see our Chaplains page


Email the Webmaster

for additions, changes and corrections to the website




The Church of England Deanery of Colchester is part of the Colchester Episcopal Area of the Diocese of Chelmsford.

The Chelmsford Diocesan Board of Finance is a registered Charity, no. 249505

We are committed to Safeguarding children and young people and vulnerable adults. As a Diocese, we have adopted the Church of England’s policies and best practice on safeguarding which may be found on the Church of England’s website: https://www.churchofengland.org/more/safeguarding. Diocesan guidance is available at https://www.chelmsford.anglican.org/safeguarding